Conditions Treated
A stroke occurs when blood cannot get to your brain because of a clot blocking an artery or a break in a blood vessel causing bleeding. This impacts the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your brain cells causing damage. Because the brain is divided into areas which control different things, the impact of stroke depends on the area involved. Stroke affects everyone differently, but it may impact your behaviour, thinking abilities, energy levels, speaking, swallow, vision as well as your sensation and movement. For many, recovery is at its quickest during the first 6 months, however improvements can continue for years after stroke.
What We Offer
At the Neurological Rehabilitation Group, we can help to improve your quality of life, maximize your function and provide you with tailored treatment plans directed towards achieving your goals. Our therapists are skilled in assessing and treating clients following stroke. They will provide you with a comprehensive assessment of the body systems affected in your specific case and use their analysis skills to look at your movement patterns, muscle strength, sensation or sense of touch, coordination of movement, balance, and abnormalities of muscle tone or spasticity. They may also look at your posture, alignment, and body awareness as well as your functional abilities in lying, sitting, standing, walking, stair climbing or running where appropriate.
Our skilled therapists see a variety of people who are recovering from a stroke and provide specialized treatment depending on the client’s goals and current situation.
This may include:
Education to facilitate a greater understanding of your health after stroke
Hands on facilitation techniques to improve your ability to activate your muscles or achieve better movement patterns
Balance retraining which may also involve floor transfers in the event of a fall
Mobility practice including exploring new functional skills such as transfer, standing, walking training or stair climbing practice
Advice on shoulder subluxation management including how to best position to support your arm for home
Intensive upper limb rehabilitation of your shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand
Carer training to facilitate skill practice at home and identification of barriers to implementation
Development of a tailored program including stretching, strengthening and cardiovascular training to complete at home, your local gym or in clinic using our wide range of equipment. This may involve a program with one of our exercise physiologists
Equipment recommendations including orthoses or gait aids which may require referral to your local or our specialty orthotic clinic
Advice and treatment regarding spasticity management (see our spasticity clinic for more information)
Review and prescribe wheelchair, seating systems or equipment via our specialist posture and seating clinic
Off-site hydrotherapy
Group exercise classes
Our therapists can refer or liaise with health professionals involved in your care including your medical team, speech therapy, occupational therapy, dietitians, orthotists, or neuropsychologists. They will also liaise with your appropriate funding bodies to support your needs.
For more information and support:
Stroke Foundation Australia www.strokefoundation.org.au/
Stroke Foundation - Enable Me https://enableme.org.au/
Young Stroke Service https://www.youngstrokeservice.org.au/