Conditions Treated
Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is a progressive disorder resulting in muscle inflammation, wasting and weakness which usually develops later in life, often in those over 50. It affects muscles in the arms and legs, primarily the forearms, ankle, and thigh muscles. In some cases, it may also impact the muscles of the face and those involved in swallowing though this is less common. Fortunately, the muscles of the heart, eyes and gut are not affected. Exercise is beneficial and safe for patients with IBM, as it assists to maintain muscle function, cardiorespiratory capacity and improve muscle strength. It is particularly important in reducing the risk of other chronic diseases which may complicate your condition including diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. Our therapists at Neurological Rehabilitation Group are experienced in managing neuromuscular conditions and can assist you to improve your stamina and support your abilities.
What We Offer
At Neurological Rehabilitation Group, our therapists will provide you with a comprehensive assessment focusing primarily on your movement patterns to look for compensations, range of motion, muscle stiffness and strength. Where appropriate, they will review your functional mobility, cardiovascular endurance, analyse your gait pattern and sitting posture. Our therapists want to understand what tasks you may be struggling with to find a solution to address that problem. They are equipped to provide therapy and advice to keep you mobile for as long as possible and manage the complications of your condition as they arise. This may include:
Education to facilitate a greater understanding of your health, the impact of your condition and how to exercise safely
Equipment recommendations including orthoses or gait aids which may require referral to your local or our specialty orthotic clinic
Prescribing an aerobic program targeting your endurance, being mindful of pain and limits
Encourage you to get the most out of the muscles groups with a low to moderate intensity strength program. This may also target areas affected and those which have been spared to keep you mobile.
Provide you with advice on falls, balance retraining and pacing activities to avoid injury
Progress and update a personalised exercise program to keep you as active as possible including prescription gym programs in your local area
Off-site hydrotherapy or swimming programs
Review and prescribe wheelchair, seating systems or equipment (for more information see our posture and seating clinic)
Carer training to facilitate skill practice, identification of implementation barriers, equipment advice for home
Group exercise classes for general fitness or balance
Our therapists can also provide liaise with your medical team or with your appropriate funding bodies to support your needs where required. They may also refer you to additional multidisciplinary specialists including speech pathologists, occupational therapists, dietitians, or psychologists as required.