Conditions Treated
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition that affects dopamine production in the brain. It can cause movement symptoms of which the most common include tremor, slowness of movement, muscle rigidity or stiffness and postural instability, which can result in difficulty walking or balance. Parkinson’s disease can also cause other non-motor symptoms which may include anxiety, fatigue, speech or swallowing difficulties, bladder or bowel dysfunction and sleep disturbances. Therapy lead exercise interventions in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease can assist to maintain your physical function, slow its progression, and help manage some of your non-motor symptoms by reducing your fatigue, pain and boosting your mood.
What We Offer
Exercise is safe at all stages of Parkinson’s disease, as long as it is targeted specifically for you! At Neurological Rehabilitation Group, our therapists will provide you with a comprehensive assessment focusing on your movement patterns, muscle flexibility, and strength particularly in your hips, knees, and ankles. They will also analyse your walking quality, look at your movement speed in turning or changing directions, assess your balance, and look at your tolerance to exercise. If you are finding it difficult to use your hands or move your arms, they can also assess your dexterity, coordination and reaching abilities.
Our therapists will aim to optimise your independence and function, provide you with meaningful strategies to achieve your goals and improve your quality of life. This may include:
Education to assist you to understand your condition and the benefits of regular physical activity in Parkinson’s disease.
Teach you a variety of movement and cueing strategies to assist with complex movement sequences; such as rolling over in bed, turning or freezing
Develop a tailored exercise program targeting your problem areas which may include cardiovascular, balance or strength retraining
Provide you with a safe space to practice your mobility which may include; exploring different transfers, outdoor walking practice or stair climbing
Provide balance retraining, strategies to minimise injuries from a fall and practice getting on/ off the floor
Carer training to facilitate skill practice, positioning guidelines for home to reduce pressure areas and identify barriers to home program implementation
Review and prescribe wheelchair, seating systems or equipment (for more information see our posture and seating clinic)
Equipment recommendations to support you with everyday tasks or prescription of an appropriate gait aid
Off-site hydrotherapy
Specific Parkinson’s disease exercise classes
Specialists' gym programs within your local community with one of our exercise physiologists
Our clinicians complete specific training in the management of this condition. We are linked with Fight Parkinson’s and involved with the Victorian Parkinson’s disease Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology Community of Practice and keep up to date with the most recent research in this population.
Our therapists can refer or liaise with health professionals involved in your care including your medical team, speech therapy, occupational therapy, dietitians, orthotists, or neuropsychologists. They will also liaise with your appropriate funding bodies to support your needs.
For more information and support:
Parkinson’s Australia www.parkinsons.org.au/
At NRG we run FREE education sessions periodically – for more information please click here