The Bobath Concept is a therapeutic approach utilizing concepts of motor control and neuroplasticity to enhance recovery and performance. It is an approach that looks to analyse a person’s movement and intervene with therapy to reduce atypical or compensatory strategies. Treatment often involves the use of hands-on facilitation of limb and trunk movement, manual therapy and handling to provide sensory feedback, specific set up of the therapy environment and verbal feedback.
Using this approach, our therapists consider:
· The impact of sensory information (such as touch, pressure, or vision)
· A person’s posture from their head to their toes
· How much control a person has over their movement
· Frequent re-evaluation of the impact treatment has a person’s movement, goals and recovery
Many of our therapists have been supported in training in this concept in the form of Basic and Advanced courses. As a practice, we are fortunate to have Dr. Kim Jennings, advanced International Bobath Instructor Teaching Association (IBITA) instructor support our patients and staff with regular drop in sessions that assist with clinical reasoning, handling approaches and treatment direction. Our own clinical lead, Jan Quiney, is currently undertaking training as an instructor candidate with IBITA and supports staff via regular masterclasses and treatment sessions.