Casting is a therapeutic technique that is utilized at NRG as part of an individual's rehabilitation following their neurological injury. Casting is a therapy option that may be considered as part of your treatment to: 

  • Preserve or maintain muscle length and joint range  

  • Be used in combination with focal spasticity management in line with your goals 

  • Facilitate functional strengthening recovery in specific cases such as supporting standing, walking or maintaining reach such as in the case of a backslab for the lower limb or walking boot  

Serial casting involves applying a series of casts overtime to gradually improve the range of motion, correct deformities and manage spasticity in the affected limb. Therapists apply the case to the limb in a position that applied stretch and promotes optimal alignment for a duration of either a few days or week before being removed and replaced with a new cast to adjust the position further. This process can be repeated over weeks to months for gradual improvement with regular monitoring and adjustment to ensure patient comfort and prevent secondary complications such as pressure injuries. It is a non-invasive option compared to surgery that is considered in consultation with a multidisciplinary team such as a neurologist, rehabilitation physician, orthotist or occupational therapist.