Katie and Susie’s Concussion Field Trip

August 18, 2015.admin.0 Likes.0 Comments


In October 2013 Katie and Susie travelled to the USA to further their knowledge of the assessment and management of post-concussion syndrome.  They visited Buffalo University, Pittsburgh Medical Centre and North Carolina University.  This experience widened their knowledge and expanded their treatment options so that they are now in a position to provide holistic management to patients who suffer from post-concussion syndrome.

There are a number of different approaches to the management of concussion. Accurate assessment is essential to identify whether management needs to focus on a physiological mismatch, symptoms related to cervicogenic pathology and/or ocular-vestibular insufficiencies.

The practice has strong links with neurologists and neuropsychologists in Melbourne who also manage this case load.  To date, Katie and Susie have been invited to present to staff at  Olympic Park Sports Medicine Clinic and to the  Victorian Brain Injury Rehabilitation Association.



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